How to use this site

How can partners across the world effectively share knowledge with each other? Eurocities has spent over three decades partnering European cities to exchange best practices. For the first time, here, we are presenting our range of methods for effective knowledge sharing. You’ll get an overview of each method, a step by step guide for doing it yourself, as well as potential pitfalls and links to other resources.

Building local resilience in the face of global challenges like climate change, social exclusion and digital transition is an urgent issue. If each of us works to solve it alone, we’ll never succeed in time. But if we can share our progress, taking on effective solutions developed by others and adapting them to our local situation, we can make it together.

As good as this sounds, sharing knowledge effectively is a tricky business. There are plenty of ways to do it and plenty of ways it can go wrong. With this unique resource, developed, often with the help of EU-funding, through over 100 Eurocities projects over the last 30 years, you can be sure to get off to a good start.

See methods